卡赞的青春片很有一套good and bad, loving and loved的探讨很喜欢女主说的"I'm very grown-up.More so than Dad, because I forgave him for not understanding.And the minute I forgave him in my mind...I felt better." 这是对成长很通透的诠释很喜欢Julie Harris亲切的表演风格James Dean太具诱惑力曾看到Jimmy Dean as Cal与Paul Newman as Aron共同的试镜片段如果实现了该片肯定会招来一堆花痴的追捧吧哈哈
Beautiful film. No doubt. Probably one of the more sugary ones. The solo performance half-way is breathtaking. However, overall it is hardly as tragic as people say. Very comic - maybe too comic and not as bitter for me.