Q先生的脸仅在片头中出现了一秒天知道我是多么想念他割舍血缘埋葬挚爱丧失理智C姐的人生每一天都是场没有补给的大暴走she said she was all ineven angel Franny was crying.那个喜欢对着天上飞机挥手的女孩注定要一头扎进无边黑夜寻找出路天地混沌你于其间不知来处两个小馒头没有尽头
Entertaining and nostalgic. Heroic poetry. An innovative Western mixed with French New Wave flavor. PN and RR, like 1 man split into 2, charm us with convincing acting. Vivid narration (natural AB story). I like those tiny twists and subtle humor in almost every scene, including very economical way to get the most out of it.--This is another exampl