片中每场还原历史的演讲都太棒了“Housing, justice, peace... Life, liberty, happiness. I mean, it's all right there in the Declaration of Independence. But when poor people demand it, it's a contradiction -- it's not Democracy, it's Socialism.”真正的黑豹来自街头的革命家的即兴演讲远胜迪士尼几十位编剧在资本审核下写出的台词
Truffles hunters and truffles, yes. Capital and truffles, no.
"I love your eyes, and I love the rest of your face."就是因为看到预告片这句台词和女主的温暖的笑才去的电影院可惜这也是全片唯有的两个亮点本来期待着是一部温情清新文艺美好浪漫的电影日本VA欧美VA精品发布可以默默体会下两个人的幸福父子谈话竟揭开了一段段逻辑硬伤剧情拼凑的穿越剧哎演技毫无亮点